
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Should I Blog on a Schedule?

If you're serious about blogging and eventually becoming a professional blogger, then you know how important it is to create content, and do it on a consistent basis. For that reason, many people who are serious about working from home, may decide that creating a schedule is a great way to go. I want to take the time to tell you a little bit about my blogging career, why schedules are good and why they are bad. Finally, I want to tell you exactly what you should base your blogging strategy off of.

Many of you probably aren't too familiar with my work. My name is Hafiz, and I'm just a Amateur Blogger. Although I blog from home, many people don't know who I am, because I don't usually cover extremely popular niches. I have tried becoming an online celebrity, but for me, I found that this just wasn't the way to success. Since I have been working online for about 2 years, I have developed a strategy that works extremely well for me, and helps me make around $700 every month. I want to take the time to talk to you about my experiences blogging on and off of a schedules, before finally telling you what you should really base your strategy off of.

Using a Schedule: Many people find that using a schedule is an extremely effective blogging strategy. People will set specific times to wake up, write, build backlinks, and close shop. This is great for some people, because it allows them to stay organized, and get a great amount of work accomplished. For many, schedules are way too stressful, and making blogging feel like more of a job than it should really feel like. Don't get me wrong, blogging is a job, but the more you make it feel like it, the less you will complete. For me, using a schedule worked better than not, because I got more done, and in turn, made more money. Still, it's not my most effective technique.

Not Using a Schedule: On the other end, we have people who 'free blog.' These people will blog when they please. I've tried using this strategy, but it's not very effective. When you don't have some sort of structure, you're not going to get as much done as you would if you did. Using this technique didn't bring me much success, but I still did make some money, and I was never stressed out.

Go by Performance Goals: If you really want to be a successful Blogger, don't set a schedule and don't free blog; Instead, you should try setting performance goals. An example of a performance goal would be saying that you're going to write 4 site posts and 2 EzineArticles everyday. By the end of the month, you will have written about 120 site posts and 60 EzineArticles.

By setting performance goals, you're setting yourself up for success. Remember, it doesn't matter what time you work, as long as you get the job done.


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